What does Cosmic Flow mean?

Analysis of Skeleton & Muscular Structure

detect any misalignments; cause of pain and discomfort

Realign your Body

Physical & Mental Harmony

reinstate natural balance and posture & allow

the Cosmic energy to Flow through your body

You can benefit from a combination of unique therapy styles or a specific treatment, tailored to what your body requires:

Therapeutic Massage and Trigger Points - targeting those persistent sore areas; enabling you to tackle your day with new energy and zest without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Stretch and Isometric Therapy - releasing tension, stress and fatigue from your muscles. Rejuvenating your body to function at its optimum, helping you to a good night sleep.

Dorn Therapy - body analysis and re-alignment. Click here Dorn Method.pdf to read more.

Dorn Therapy - download the instructions on how to: Align your Hips.pdf.

AromaTouch - applying 4 different Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and 4 Oil Blends.

It supports your body the following:

  • Stress Management
  • Immune Support
  • Inflammatory Response
  • Homeostasis (balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
  • Lymphatic System

Atlas Therapy - reactivate the self-healing mechanism in your body. For more Details, click on these links:

What is the Atlas.pdf

Atlas Therapy Explained.pdf

Please click here for Testimonials.pdf

Stop ignoring the pain and contact us:

0419 579 777